Thursday, January 3, 2019

Update: Something Sweet is Baking...

Something Sweet is Baking...

It's been a little quiet over here on the blog these days, I know. But there's a very good reason. I've been working on a little baking project that has taken a lot of my time and energy these days - and it truly deserves it.

There's a little bun in the oven!

My hubby and I are super excited, grateful and blessed to share that we will be expecting our first baby in late February of 2019.

For those of you who have been through this life phase before, you know that it is truly all encompassing and life-changing!

While we are very conscious of holding on to our life and who we are as people, we know that this is a time of transition and nurturing a new identity- we're becoming parents!

I am feeling all of the feels these days- excited, nervous, anxious, hopeful...

Babies truly are a miracle and walking this path has clearly shown me just how many things have to go right to get to the place where you can hold your baby in your arms.

We are so conscious of that, and that's why I have been waiting to share this news - it's a journey of uncertainty and one where you just have to stay positive and take one step at a time.

If you are reading this and in your own time of waiting and praying- know that we are sending you positive vibes for some great news to come your way too.

While I am taking some time to really be present in this life-changing moment of our life, I
am definitely looking forward to sharing more of our parenting journey on the blog in a new section called "Family".

The Lifestyle File began as a food blog but over the years has really become a part of me, including all the things that make me feel alive. We as a community have grown together over the last five years. So as I adapt to this new role in life, I will continue to share my favourite food, travel and lifestyle tips here but it makes sense for me to also include bits and pieces of my journey to motherhood, tips and tricks as well as products that make the transition easier.

Also- we are open to advice from other parents on their own journey. If you have a suggestion, tip or insight please let us know- it takes a village and we need ours too!

So Dear Readers, thank you for all your love and support always and I look forward to this new year, new beginning and new job description.

Thanks for joining on my journey and for the positive vibes along the way.

Wishing you all a warm and bright start to 2019 too!

A special thank you to @oottum / OOTTUM FINE Photography/ for collaborating on this post with their stunning photography. 

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